By default top 25 is used.
The maximum allowed value is 1000.
and PayLoad.Links.Previous.Href
They automatically take the Top, Skip and TotalRowCount into account.
you can limit the amount of data being sent.
Filtering the items and selecting only the items that satisfy the predicate expression
We are supporting below operations/functions
The filter option is case sensitive. Please use all operators as listed above in lower cases. The capitals of the properties should be exactly the same as they are mentioned in the API Reference.
When trying to filter on a DateTime field, you should encapsulate the filter string with DateTime'2025-03-09'
. All Date/Time properties are represented in UTC ISO 8601 format.
When filtering all surveys modified since yesterday you could use /3/surveys?filter=LastModifyDate%20ge%20DateTime'2025-03-08'
When filtering on a Boolean field, you should use the textual representations true
and false
When using the string functions you should still use a Logical Operator.
When you are looking for all surveys with 'Test' in the name you could use /3/surveys?filter=substringof(Title,'test')%20eq%20true
Determining what properties are used to order the collection of items. You can combine multiple properties comma seperated. By default we use ascending sorting. If you want to use a descending order, you should add desc
after the property.